Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Not even a year before my mother died,we shared a wonderful breakfast of griddle pancakes and coffee at a little cafe outside franklin,it was cold so we shivered as we walked the long walk from the car to the door,passing some cute shops and a garden,where i took her picture..later,we drived the short drive home on the natchez trace,it was early,not even 9am

Monday, January 2, 2012

i remember..

When i was very little,probably around 4 or 5 before my little brother was born,my mother and I used to have evenings where it would just be us two and my dad would stay home with my little sister,who is only 18 nyounger than me,and me and my mom would shop and go to dinner,she would hold my hand through the shops and we laughed alot..In a particular memory we went to a shopping mall and we were there so late,that the mall closed,and we were laughing trying to find a way,anyway, out of the mall..then my laughter turned to worry,that me and my mom were going to have to spend the night here and my dad would wonder where we were and we couldn't call him(cell phones weren't a big thing in '96)my mom laughed at me being worried,and of course we eventually found our way to the car

here goes nothing

Let me introduce myself,i'm a 22 year old waitress,living in small town tennessee and i recently lost my mother.

Before last November of course my heart sinks with the news of someone losing their child to a disease,their father to a tragic car accident,and even their boyfriend to the girl they thought was their friend,but now i sympathize,i feel like part of a club,as juvenille as that sounds we are a club,a club full of special circumstance and tearful night and holidays.

so that's what this is...i want to share how much i miss my mother,my grandmother,the girl i was friends with in the ninth grade,my sister who never comes home..and i want you to share tooo,share about how you miss someone you lost-lost to death or lost to missed connections-your oldboyfriend,who your girlfriend used to be,the man your dad was before he married her,the mother you lost too soon,or the grandmother you loved your whole freaking life and although she lived to be 96 you still think it was too soon

I care,and i know how it is when you really miss your mom,and you just want to say it out loud,but just can't
so thanks for reading and if you want to share..comment or e-mail me your story and i would love to post it

So with the new year here's toonot moping and,in a way,saying out loud,what you're thinking
